Smelly Disinfestation method?

You can get rid of harmful pests with the smelly disinfestation method;

The smelly disinfestations have quite strong scents, and may be applied for all pests conveniently.

These pesticides are much more effective on the insects which are very difficult to be terminated with non-smelly pesticides.

Smelly disinfestation may be preferred at the locations in which gels and similar pesticides and non-smelly pesticides are not effective.

During smelly disinfestation, the area to be disinfested should be left for 6 hours and the disinfectants should not be inhaled for any reason.

Otherwise it may poison people. Any living creature staying inside the environment in where the smelly pesticides were applied should die. A pest, an animal or a human being…

The location should be ventilated minimum for 2 hours after entering the place. And the firms applying the pesticides must have been certified by the Ministry of Health.

And the operators applying pesticides should have been received the required pesticide application trainings. You must have assistance of an experienced pest control firm for disinfestation.

In application of smelly pesticides, belongings of the children and infants should be taken under control since the skins of the children and infants are very sensitive.

The smelly pesticides should not contaminate with the food materials in any manner. In application with smelly pesticides, the pets should also be taken outside the house.