Methodologies and Documents For Biosecurity Treatments

​​​Treatments applied for biosecurity purposes are part of measures used in managing the risk of introduction of exotic pests and diseases. These treatments are only effective when conducted correctly.
It is important that treatment providers in Australia (onshore) and other countries (offshore) understand and follow the requirements of the Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment to effectively treat consignments for import into Australia.
Our methodologies outlining best practice for applying biosecurity treatments and document templates for recording and certifying compliance are available below.

The heat treatment methodology sets out the minimum requirements for treatment providers performing heat treatments on commodities and/or associated packaging for quarantine and pre-shipment purposes.
BMSB treatment providers should use the below templates for BMSB heat treatment certification and records.

Heat Treatment Methodology (PDF)

Heat Treatment Methodology (DOC)

BMSB Heat treatment certificate – template (DOC)

How to complete a BMSB heat treatment certificate (PDF)

How to complete a BMSB heat treatment certificate (DOCX)

BMSB Record of heat treatment – template (DOC)

Methodology and Guide

The Methyl bromide fumigation methodology sets out the minimum requirements for treatment providers performing methyl bromide fumigations on commodities and/or associated packaging for quarantine and pre-shipment purposes.

The Guide to performing QPS fumigation with methyl bromide provides informative information on the various methods and techniques that can be used to ensure that fumigators perform fumigations that meet the requirements of the methodology. This document should be read in conjunction with the Methyl Bromide Fumigation Methodology


Offshore and onshore BMSB treatment providers should use the BMSB specific templates for their fumigation certification and records. For all other treatments, the generic fumigation templates must be used.



The sulfuryl fluoride fumigation methodology sets out the minimum requirements for BMSB treatment providers performing sulfuryl fluoride fumigations on commodities and/or associated packaging for quarantine and pre-shipment purposes.


BMSB treatment providers should use the below templates for their sulfuryl fluoride fumigation certification and records.

Note: there are separate certificate and treatment record templates for treatment providers operating under a distributors stewardship program* using a third party approved program and for those that are not using an approved third party approved program.
