Harmful Insects, Fighting with Insects
Cockroach types
Known as German Cockroach Roach (radiator) this bug is light brown and has two dark color bands at the chest section. It is 10-12 mm. this bug type reproduces with egging. Cockroaches are reproduced in capsules containing eggs. Each of the capsules contain 35-40 eggs. These bugs bring their eggs with them to anywhere they go.
The offspring come out 18 days later. They may lay eggs 8-10 times in a year. The female cockroach may also lay eggs at the time of their death as well.
This cockroach type may eat everything at the area. They carry and cause contamination of any and all types of dirt and pathogens. They settle kitchen and bathroom in a house first. They like dark, therefore they come out in the nights. They like humid, hot and dirty places.
They are present at the places such as boiler room, warehouse and basement.
They are commonly seen in food places. These bugs carry and cause contamination of poisons, and pathogens of tuberculosis, hepatitis and fungus diseases.
The length of American Cockroach is around 2-3 cm. It is the largest type of cockroaches with wings, in reddish brown color.
This type of cockroach may eat anything leftover from human, they live for 15 months. They like humid, hot and dirty places.
They are commonly seen in the kitchens and bathrooms. They like darkness. This pest type may enter into our living spaces in different ways.
Entrance of anyone of them shall mean entrance of hundreds of them.
They are reproduced continuously and occupy our house in very short time.
These bugs are quite resistant. Any unconscious pest control attempt will not be sufficient to terminate them. It is very difficult to fight against them individually.
The fight against them individually with various products to be purchased shall not be successful against then, causing economic loss only. Meanwhile, they would reproduce more.
This pest type requires effective fight, suitable pesticide and periodical application of such pesticide.
Oriental Cockroach is oval shaped and bright black or dark brown color bug. They reproduce like American cockroach.
Their homeland is Asia and spread to the entire world from there. The length is around 25-30 mm.
The short brown wings of the males work as the wings of the female ones do not have any function. The female ones are oval as the males are thinner. They are called blackbeetle by public.
These types of pests set their nests in the basements, gaps between buildings, sewers and inside the houses.
They live around 6 months. They can eat any and all foods and organic materials.
They carry and cause contamination of any and all dirt and pathogens. These bugs may be seen anywhere in which human live, since they need food, water and hotness.
They will settle in the kitchens and bathrooms of the houses. This type of pests stay in the nests in most of the times. They like dark so that they come out in nights. They are strong. Their strength increases with the pesticides used unconsciously.
These bugs carry and cause contamination of the diseases like tuberculosis and hepatitis, and food poisons.