Fumigation Applications
Who are the responsible parties in application of ISPM 15 Standard?
The application of the standard is under the liability of the member countries, and it imposes additional liabilities on the firms exporting or importing, via changes in legislations.
The liability of the exporter country is to issue and apply the legislations on granting authorization for thermal treatment or methyl bromide fumigation or marking valid internationally for such process.
The liability of the exporter is to ensure existence of ISPM 15 standard marking on the wooden packaging material used in the exported products;
The liability of the importer is to request existence of ISPM 15 standard marking on the wooden packaging material used in the exported products;
The liability of the importer country is to check the existence of ISPM 15 standard marking on the wooden packaging material entering into the country.
However, the entire burden is upon the exporter for application.